blob with little stick legs and arms, with a big narrow smile

WARNING: this domain is specially encoded in a language only intelligible to persons who suffer from AUTISM!

plz proceed with caution... lest you hazard getting your EYESBALLS singed and your brain melted...!


red text saying anime and manga lovers who drink coke webring. mikage from revolutionary girl
           utena sitting at a desk, pensive, with coke cans littered on his desk.
swirly pattern representing frog eyes with text saying FrogStarShip at bottom Anarchy now! with some stars that move
           across it once white to pink gradient text saying Unicorn Jelly, with jelly rpg creature with unicorn horn and
           tail slowly scrolling cat heads with black and white text saying read nekojiru rounded off purple outline with yellow text saying dalek and miu from nichijou with green skin,
           cherry tree background The Electronic Frontier Foundation -- supporting YOUR online privacy, speech, and consumer rights since
           1990 Valid CSS! swooping shots of squared circle with gay men ready to wrestle, cut in with iwf logo black box with white monospace font text saying slackware linux orange text formed with seven segment displays reading nekoweb and cat icon to right of logo and cycling
           to left of w character


hot pink rectangle with crudely drawn black text saying dot.jpeg